The next photo is Audrey Paige passing through the Bocas, with Kyeta sailing in ahead of us. We left at the same time and passed one another all night long. They sailed past us through the Bocas, but then we cheated and started the engine and beat them into the Customs dock. That actually worked out well, because then we were able to help them raft off to us so we could head into Customs and Immigration (after a much needed shower!) Kyeta called Coral Cove and headed into a slip while we backtracked and anchored in Scotland Bay.
That's the great shot of Sea Cycle anchored in Scotland Bay. We felt like we were in the land before time. Turned out to be a good decision to stay in Scotland Bay for 5 days since we got a lot done without the distractions of a pool, shopping and restaurants. It's taken us a long time, but we actually have mastered taking down the sails and folding them on deck!
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